Singapore Works with Bluenergy Solutions to Explore Hydrokinetic Energy

Apr 2023

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) is collaborating with marine renewable energy solution provider Bluenergy Solutions, to launch a Proof of Value (POV) project to harness hydrokinetic energy off the island of Pulau Satumu, Singapore, as an alternative to the transport of diesel to generate power for facilities supporting Raffles Lighthouse (RLH).

The POV project is a “Plug and Play” solution where underwater turbines, designed by Bluenergy and A*STAR’s Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC) researchers to optimise the hydrodynamic features of the tidal turbine, will be deployed off Pulau Satumu to convert the kinetic energy of moving water into electrical energy.

The POV project, commencing in April 2023, will run for six months. An estimated 2700 kWh of electricity is expected to be generated from four units of turbines used for the POV project during this period. The electricity will be used to power up the non-operational electrical requirements for RLH located at Pulau Satumu, including the RLH living quarters’ electrical needs. During the POV project, the RLH navigational lantern will continue to be powered by the existing solar-based energy system.

MPA will conduct further hydrographic surveys and work with research agencies, to explore the potential of scaling up the use of tidal energy for other waterfront facilities and electric charging locations for vessels in Singapore.

(Source: Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore)       

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