The Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) has awarded two contracts for the provision of four key systems – signaling system, platform screen doors (PSD) system, Integrated Supervisory Control System (ISCS) and communications system – for the Cross Island Line (CRL). This is Singapore’s eighth MRT line and will serve existing and future developments in the eastern, north-eastern and western parts of Singapore, linking major hubs such as Jurong Lake District, Punggol Digital District, and the Changi region.
The first contract, valued at around SGD 450 million (USD 335 million), was awarded to Siemens Mobility Pte. Ltd. / Siemens Rail Automation, S.A.U. Consortium (Siemens) and covers the CRL signaling system and PSD system. The contract scope includes the design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the communication-based train control (CBTC) signaling system and the PSD system.
The second contract, valued at around SGD 200 million (USD 149 million), was awarded to ST Engineering Urban Solutions Ltd. This contract includes the design, manufacturing, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of ISCS and communications system. The communications system for CRL comprises various sub-systems such as the communication backbone network, digital trunked radio, video surveillance, public address, telephone, and travel information system.
In awarding the contracts to Siemens and ST Engineering Urban Solutions, a range of factors were taken into consideration, including cost-competitiveness, quality of the solutions proposed as well as bidders’ expertise and track record.
(Source: LTA)