The Green Climate Fund Approves USD 34 Million Project for Flood Control and Adaptation in Thailand

Nov 2021

In October 2021, the Green Climate Fund approved a project aimed at enhancing climate resilience in Thailand through flood control and adaptation.

In Thailand’s Chao Phraya basin, significant increases in the frequency of heavy rains are predicted as a result of climate change, in turn increasing the risk of severe floods.  Alongside the risk of flooding, there is also a risk of drought, caused by increasing pressure on water supplies for crops and irrigation, linked to rising temperatures. These pressures together, therefore, risk leading to more frequent and intense flooding during the wet season and drought during the dry season. This requires innovative approaches to increase the efficient use of existing water supplies and more effective flood management within the basin.

This new project, with funding of close to USD34 million, to be completed by July 2022, aims to improve water management, food security, and the agricultural livelihoods of inhabitants in the Yom and Nam sub-river basins. It will improve water management by integrating ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) green measures with traditional grey infrastructure for flood control and irrigation, supported by enhanced technology and climate-informed planning and capacity development.

Activities at the household scale could directly benefit 62,000 people in the Phitsanulok, Sukhothai and Uttaradit provinces and eventually benefit some 25,000,000 inhabitants of the Greater Chao Phraya River Basin.  This will be achieved by enhanced climate and risk planning by generating tailored climate information to better inform water management and agriculture planning and by improvements to integrated planning. In parallel, the project will boost household access to climate information and improve water management through strengthened infrastructure, including climate-informed engineering designs for the 13 schemes of the Yom-Nan river basin and upgrades to water infrastructure.

(Source: Green Climate Fund)

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