The Ministry of Health of Indonesia launched a heath information application called Sehatpedia. Available on Android platforms, the application has five features:
Live Chat – Interactive consultation: Public can consult with doctors who have joined Sehatpedia
Health Service Facilities: Public can access hospital information and contact experienced doctors who can provide consultation through application
Health articles, Medical journals – Health information to educate public about promoting health and disease preventive measures
ePolicy – The public can access health ministry’s regulations and National Guidelines for Medical Services (PNPK)
Outpatient Registration – Public can register for appointments in hospitals who have partnered with MOH
Sehatpedia will be supported by 32 vertical hospitals in terms of consultation queries. As for content, the application will be assisted by Health for Junior Indonesia (Kejora; a community focused on children’s health education), GARASI KITA community and FKG UI Teaching Staff Association. Around 8,000 people had downloaded the application by mid-February 2019.
(Sources: HIMSS; Bisnis; Kompas)