SDG Investor Map to Guide Private Sector in Indonesia

Apr 2022

The United Nations is supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Indonesia. The Indonesia SDG Investor Map (the Map) was launched in March 2022 by the government of Indonesia, UNDP Indonesia and UNDP’s SDG Impact. The private sector can use the Map to explore the 18 identified investment themes and business models across six SDG-enabling sectors, which are aligned to government SDG policies that have the potential for deep development impact.

The Map was co-created by UNDP Indonesia and SDG Impact, with support from Temasek Trust as a collaborative partner. Indonesia is the first ASEAN country to launch an SDG Investor Map. The six SDG-enabling sectors are Education, Healthcare, Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Financials and Infrastructure. The identified investment themes and business models have already seen positive investor activity, laying the groundwork for further scale.

The intelligence produced by the Map will also help inform Indonesia’s post-COVID-19 “Build Forward Better” strategy, as the government commits to close the SDG financing gap by encouraging private sector investors and other non-state actors to take a role in SDG investment. The Government has set an ambitious G20 agenda on sustainable finance, which is reflected in the work being carried out by the Sustainable Finance Working Group, Infrastructure Working Group, Development Working Group and Climate Sustainability Working Group, among others. The resulting work will be a key contributor in directing more fund flows into SDG-enabling sectors through commercial and blended finance capital to reverse the negative impacts of the pandemic.

(Source: SDG Investor Platform)

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Orissa International helps companies that want to develop a market entry strategy for Southeast Asia or implement their business expansion into the region. We have very strong domain knowledge of markets and industry sectors, and a business network of over 16,000 companies that includes distributors, resellers, system integrators and local manufacturers, that we have built through advising and guiding more than 5,000 companies with their market expansion into the ASEAN region over the last 25 years.

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