Pandawa Agri Indonesia (PAI), an Agri life science company focused on pesticide reductant development, partners with Rabo Foundation, establishing the Mbay Rice Ecosystem Development initiative. During this planting season, PAI facilitates 123 smallholders with a total land area of 97 hectares in Mbay Sub-District, Nagekeo Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. This smallholder’s sustainable agriculture initiative will continue and is targeted to cover up to 225 hectares of agricultural land by the end of 2022.
PAI continues to innovate through the Plant and Soil Health, Productivity, Assistance, and Innovation (PPAI) technology presented in the Mbay Rice Ecosystem Development. The PPAI technology includes seven intervention steps, which are the selection of certified seeds, the use of complete micro fertilizers, mycorrhizae, silica fertilizers, and straw decomposers to increase organic elements and micronutrients in the soil, as well as the application of herbicide and insecticide reductants. In addition, farmers who participate in the Mbay Rice Ecosystem Development will also have access to financing supported by the Rabo Foundation.
Rabo Foundation supports smallholder farmers in 23 countries by providing access to finance, technical assistance, innovation, and markets via Rabobak’s global network. The foundation supports various organizations by providing working capital loans, ranging from purchasing raw materials, loans for agricultural production facilities, and trade financing for export companies. Rabo Foundation maintains a diverse portfolio in Indonesia, from cooperatives, SMEs, NGOs, and multinational companies to support and expand the production of coffee, milk, rice, fisheries, and many other food and agricultural products sustainably.
As a company with the vision to create sustainable agriculture, PAI consistently presents various innovations to create an agricultural industry that is profitable and environmentally friendly. To date, pesticide reductants, PAI’s flagship products, have contributed to reducing up to 2 million liters of pesticide use in Indonesia.
(Source: Pandawa Agri Indonesia)