Orissa International presented at a webinar on market opportunities in Singapore’s lucrative financial technology industry for technology companies in Northern Ireland. Co-organized by the country’s trade promotion board, the webinar was attended by various players in...
Orissa International’s Country Managers for Vietnam and the Philippines presented at a webinar on Information and Communications technology (ICT) opportunities in their respective markets. In addition to providing an industry overview, our Country Managers also spoke...
Orissa International’s Philippine office presented on the topic of doing business in the Philippines, in a webinar organized by the Manila office of Austria’s trade promotion agency. Our in-house Consultant presented an overview of key sectors in the...
Orissa International presented at a webinar about market opportunities for Australian companies in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines. The webinar focused on how Orissa International could help Australian companies establish a presence in South...
Orissa International staged a series of webinars on expansion strategies and exploring new markets covering key Asian countries, including Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Vietnam, and Singapore in collaboration with In.Corp, a corporate solutions provider in Asia....
Orissa International’s Managing Director presented in a webinar organized by one of our US trade promotion agency clients. The webinar featured information beneficial to exporters, including market status and opportunities for trade and investment, as well as...
Orissa International’s country manager for Malaysia supported Business Finland in conducting a webinar for Finnish companies on opportunities in the Malaysian healthcare sector. The webinar covered various segments within the industry, such as healthcare...
Orissa International’s country manager for Vietnam presented market insights on the logistics sector in Vietnam at an event organized by Enterprise Singapore and the Singapore Logistics Association. The event was attended by various companies involved in the...
Sarath Menon, Managing Director at Orissa International, attended the World Trade Month event in Oregon, USA to meet with that state’s agricultural agency as well as medical/dental companies and other businesses to share insights on the South East Asian...
Orissa International Managing Director, Sarath Menon, participated in a panel discussion on: Offensive vs Defensive: How to Survive and Grow Overseas. This was part of the Internalization track at the SME Centre Conference, an annual event for micro and small...
Orissa International’s Managing Director, Sarath Menon, conducted an export strategy session for members of the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce. The focus of the session was to help companies go global, by building a strategy for global expansion, becoming...
Orissa International attended a Hardwood Seminar in Vietnam that was hosted by the American Hardwood Export Council. During the event, Orissa International networked with Vietnamese hardwood importers and gathered market information on topics such as wood quality,...