The Social Health Insurance Administration Body (BPJS Health) has formed a partnership with PT Good Doctor Technology Indonesia, a local company that provides online health consultation through a telemedicine application. The partnership was marked by the signing of an MoU between the two institutions.
The scope of the MoU includes the provision of communication, information, and education of the JKN-KIS Program by PT Good Doctor Technology Indonesia to the public through the Good Doctor application. The Good Doctor application will be publishing information and providing educational services for JKN-KIS participants who access its application.
Improving the quality of services provided to participants is a priority for BPJS Kesehatan, which is a social security agency of Indonesia aimed at providing universal healthcare to its citizens. Areas that it is looking to improve include the services related to administration, registration, and information about rights, obligations, and procedures for accessing services at health facilities in Indonesia.
(Source: Antara)